A little about me...
I am an Australian artist who has been living in Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam since 2019. I share my life here with my Husband, our two young boys and a village of wonderful souls. The decision to move here was motivated by our desire for adventure and propell us out of our comfort zones.
My background is in Biomedical Science and Pharmacology but it seems the creative in me was impatiently waiting to emerge. The silver lining to the Covid crisis I suppose. Those months... years of unpredictability and uncertainty pushing me to pick up my pens and paints.
My artworks reflect the colours and sights that stop me in my tracks as I motorbike around these dynamic streets.
The juxtaposition of a street-side food cart under a canopy of blazing pink bougainvillea. The elaborate metal work of an entrance gate choked with electrical wires. The endless inspiration!
Thank you for taking the time to visit my gallery. I hope my works can encourage you to seek out the beauty & intrigue in your day-to-day life too.
Allie xoxo